Junior .Net Developer in Infospica

Last date of application : 07-08-2021 6:00 pm


Company Name :  Infospica



Designation       : Junior .Net Developer



Job Location      : Trivandrum


  • Familiarity with the ASP.NET framework, SQL Server and design/architectural patterns (e.g. Model-View-Controller (MVC))

  • Knowledge of at least one of the .NET languages (e.g. C#, Visual Basic .NET) and HTML5/CSS3

  • Candidates must have undergone training in .Net technologies

Experience: 0 to 2yrs 

About company :

Infospica aim to help businesses build up their proficiencies further and to work towards ultimately playing an important role in actualizing their core objectives and ambitions in lasting ways. For us at Infospica, innovation becomes a way of life that inspires from within in this fast-changing business environment, helping us re-define and re-invent winning strategies to continuously deliver value to all our associates, customers and communities as we forge ahead together. Infospica offers services and solutions across a variety of industry verticals in different disciplines which includes web and mobile technology, infrastructure management, enterprise application services and product development. We believe in channelling our capabilities in the right way to create success stories for all. 



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